Results for 'M. I. Norton'

982 found
  1. (1 other version)Wandering minds: the default network and stimulus-independent thought.M. F. Mason, M. I. Norton, J. D. van Horn, D. M. Wegner, S. T. Grafton & C. N. Macrae - 2007 - Science 315 (5810):393-395.
  2.  47
    Work and Waste: Political Economy and Natural Philosophy in Nineteenth Century Britain (I).M. Norton Wise & Crosbie Smith - 1989 - History of Science 27 (3):263-301.
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    Mediating Machines.M. Norton Wise - 1988 - Science in Context 2 (1):77-113.
    The ArgumentThe societal context within which science is pursued generally acts as a productive force in the generation of knowledge. To analyze this action it is helpful to consider particular modes of mediation through which societal concerns are projected into the very local and esoteric concerns of a particular domain of research. One such mode of mediation occurs through material systems. Here I treat two such systems – the steam engine and the electric telegraph – in the natural philosophy of (...)
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  4. Science as (Historical) Narrative.M. Norton Wise - 2011 - Erkenntnis 75 (3):349-376.
    The traditional mode of explanation in physics via deduction from partial differential equations is contrasted here with explanation via simulations. I argue that the different technologies employed constitute different languages, which support different sorts of narratives. The narratives that accompany simulations and articulate their meaning are typically historical or natural historical in kind. They explain complex phenomena by growing them rather than by referring them to general laws. Examples of such growth simulations and growth narratives come from the evolution of (...)
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    Ultimate Acceptability, Cultural Bias, and an American Indian World: reflections on Nelson Goodman.Thomas M. Norton-Smith - 2012 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 49:41-51.
    Nelson Goodman maintains that there is a plurality of internally consistent, equally privileged, well-made actual worlds constructed through the use of very special symbol systems—right or ultimately acceptable world versions. Using evidence from American Indian traditions, I will argue that Goodman’s criteria for ultimately acceptability are culturally biased against any non-Western world version—especially a Native version. I will then offer a culturally sensitive interpretation of Goodman’s criteria for ultimate acceptability that an American Indian world version satisfies, and so is numbered (...)
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  6. What was Einstein's Principle of Equivalence?John Norton - 1985 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 16 (3):203.
    sn y™to˜er —nd xovem˜er IWHUD just over two ye—rs —fter the ™ompletion of his spe™i—l theory of rel—tivityD iinstein m—de the ˜re—kthrough th—t set him on the p—th to the gener—l theory of rel—tivityF ‡hile prep—ring — review —rti™le on his new spe™i—l theory of rel—tivityD he ˜e™—me ™onvin™ed th—t the key to the extension of the prin™iple of rel—tivity to —™™eler—ted motion l—y in the rem—rk—˜le —nd unexpl—ined empiri™—l ™oin™iden™e of the equ—lity of inerti—l —nd gr—vit—tion—l m—ssesF „o interpret (...)
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    Book Review:Hume's Philosophy of Religion. Antony Flew, Donald Livingston, George I. Mavrodes, David Fate Norton; Scepticism and Belief in Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. Stanley Tweyman. [REVIEW]M. A. Stewart - 1988 - Ethics 98 (4):859-.
  8.  64
    Leibniz and Bayle: Manicheism and dialectic.David Fate Norton - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):23-36.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Leibniz and Bayle: Manicheism and Dialectic DAVID NORTON LEIBNIZ' CLAIM that this is the "best of all possible worlds" has seemed so prima facie absurd that his critics have often considered the assertion adequately refuted by their pointing to things which are clearly "bad" and which might conceivably be "better." The paradigm case is Voltaire's Candide, which is certainly an effective refutation of Leibniz' claim at this level. (...)
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    Generation and the Origin of Species (1837–1937): A Historiographical Suggestion.M. J. S. Hodge - 1989 - British Journal for the History of Science 22 (3):267-281.
    Bernard Norton's friends in the history of science have had many reasons for commemorating, with admiration and affection, not only his research and teaching but no less his conversation and his company. One of his most estimable traits was his refusal to beat about the bush in raising the questions he thought worthwhile pursuing. I still remember discoursing at Pittsburgh on Darwin's route to his theory of natural selection, and being asked at the end by Bernard what were Darwin's (...)
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  10. Models of Students' Mathematics and their Relationship to Mathematics Pedagogy.M. A. Simon - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):348-350.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Constructivist Model Building: Empirical Examples From Mathematics Education” by Catherine Ulrich, Erik S. Tillema, Amy J. Hackenberg & Anderson Norton. Upshot: I comment on the nature and exemplification of second-order models in Ulrich et. al. I discuss what I see as the theoretical gap between second-order models and mathematics pedagogy. Finally, I share work we are doing to contribute towards filling that theoretical gap.
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    Life's Empty Pack: Notes toward a Literary Daughteronomy.Sandra M. Gilbert - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 11 (3):355-384.
    A definition of [George] Eliot as renunciatory culture-mother may seem an odd preface to a discussion of Silas Marner since, of all her novels, this richly constructed work is the one in which the empty pack of daughterhood appears fullest, the honey of femininity most unpunished. I want to argue, however, that this “legendary tale,” whose status as a schoolroom classic makes it almost as much a textbook as a novel, examines the relationship between woman’s fate and the structure of (...)
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    The Man on the Dump versus the United Dames of America; Or, What Does Frank Lentricchia Want?Sandra M. Gilbert & Susan Gubar - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (2):386-406.
    That the pattern into which Lentricchia seeks to assimilate Stevens is politically charged becomes clearest when we turn to the following oddly incomprehensible statement: “In the literary culture that Stevens would create, the ‘phallic’ would not have been the curse word of some recent feminist criticism but the name of a limited, because male, respect for literature” . At the point where he makes this assertion, Lentricchia has been persuasively demonstrating that Stevens was “encouraged … to fantasize the potential social (...)
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  13.  32
    (1 other version)"The Town Is Beastly and the Weather Was Vile": Bertrand Russell in Chicago, 1938-9.Gary M. Slezak & Donald W. Jackanicz - 1977 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 1:4-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Photo-credit to Chicago Sun-Times and James Mescall. 4 "The town is beastly and the weather was vile": Bertrand Russell in Chicago, 1938-1939 Visiting Chicago in 1867, Lord Amberley offered his wife an appreciation of the city: "The country around Chicago is flat and ugly; the town itself has good buildings but has a rough unfinished appearance which does not contribute to its attractions."l While Bertrand Russell is known to (...)
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  14.  65
    Hume on the 'Distinction of Reason'.Harry M. Bracken - 1984 - Hume Studies 10 (2):89-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:HUME ON THE 'DISTINCTION OF REASON1* In a 1959 paper, Richard H. Popkin1 propounded what was then taken to be a most extraordinary thesis: Hume may never have read Berkeley. Popkin's paper marks the end of one of the stranger stories in the history of philosophy, the relationship of the British Empiricists — Locke, Berkeley, Hume — to one another. The thesis was hardly news either to Berkeley or (...)
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    A Framework for Inductive Reasoning in Model-Based Science.M. M. Barroso Rojo - 2023 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso (23):259-285.
    This paper argues that the linguistic approach to analyzing induction, according to which induction is a type of inference or argument composed of statements or propositions, is unsuitable to account for scientific reasoning. Consequently, a novel approach to induction in model-based science is suggested. First, in order to show their adherence to the linguistic treatment of induction, two strategies are reviewed: (i) Carnap and Reichenbach’s attempts to justify induction and (ii) Norton’s recent material theory of induction. Second, three reasons (...)
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  16.  59
    Democracy Ancient and Modern.M. I. Finley - 2018 - Rutgers University Press Classics.
    Western democracy is now at a critical juncture. Some worry that power has been wrested from the people and placed in the hands of a small political elite. Others argue that the democratic system gives too much power to a populace that is largely ill-informed and easily swayed by demagogues. This classic study of democratic principles is thus now more relevant than ever. A renowned historian of antiquity and political philosophy, Sir M.I. Finley offers a comparative analysis of Greek and (...)
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  17. Chelovek i mir skvozʹ prizmu i︠a︡zyka: filosofskie razdumʹi︠a︡: 49 teoriĭ, obrashchennykh k zdravomu smyslu.M. I︠A︡ Blokh - 2020 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo Prometeĭ.
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  18. Filosofii︠a︡: problemy metodiki i ėffektivnosti prepodavanii︠a︡: sot︠s︡iologicheskiĭ aspekt.M. I. Drobzhev - 1997 - Tambov: Izdatelʹsko-poligr. t︠s︡entr Tambovskogo gos. universiteta im. G.R. Derzhavina.
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    Problemy ėstetiki i teorii literatury: [Sb. stateĭ].M. I. Duduchava (ed.) - 1979 - Tbilisi: Met︠s︡niereba.
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  20. Synergetics and biology.M. I. Shterenberg - 2004 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 43 (2):75-96.
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    Fizicheskai︠a︡ sushchnostʹ zhizni i nachala teorii organizovannykh sistem.M. I. Shterenberg - 2003 - Moskva: Novyĭ vek.
    kn. 1. Vechnye voprosy v svete nauki, filosofii religii.
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    Analysis of semi-empirical interatomic potentials appropriate for simulation of crystalline and liquid Al and Cu.M. I. Mendelev, M. J. Kramer, C. A. Becker & M. Asta - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (12):1723-1750.
  23. Dialektika fundamentalʹnogo i prikladnogo.M. I. Panov & Evgenii Frolovich Solopov (eds.) - 1989 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  24. Metodologicheskie problemy razvitii︠a︡ i primenenii︠a︡ matematiki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.M. I. Panov (ed.) - 1985 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, T︠S︡entr. sovet filosofskikh (metodologicheskikh) seminarov pri Prezidiume AN SSSR.
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    "Vechnye voprosy" v svete nauki, filosofii i religii.M. I. Shterenberg - 2004 - Moskva: Novyĭ vek.
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  26. Petr Chaadaev: uchenie o svobode voli i smysle istorii: monografii︠a︡.M. I. Nenashev - 1999 - Sankt-Peterburg: Znanie.
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    O kryterium postępu moralnego i humanizmie (streszczenie).M. I. Petrosjan - 1968 - Etyka 3:27-28.
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    Learning in Plants: Lessons from Mimosa pudica.Charles I. Abramson & Ana M. Chicas-Mosier - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    M.P.Drahomanov about freedom of conscience and social functionality of religion.M. I. Loboda - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 9:55-59.
    Our research is based on a rather large "library" of various works by M. Drahomanov, which contains his views on religion. Among them: Paradise and Progress, From the History of Relations Between Church and State in Western Europe, Faith and Public Affairs, Fight for Spiritual Power and Freedom of Conscience in the 16th - 17th Centuries,, "Church and State in the Roman Empire", "The Status and Tasks of the Science of Ancient History," "Evangelical Faith in Old England," "Populism and Popular (...)
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  30. Filosofskai︠a︡ kulʹtura Ukrainy i otechestvennai︠a︡ obshchestvennai︠a︡ myslʹ XIX-XX v.v.M. I. Luk (ed.) - 1990 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Development of suitable interatomic potentials for simulation of liquid and amorphous Cu–Zr alloys.M. I. Mendelev, M. J. Kramer, R. T. Ott, D. J. Sordelet, D. Yagodin & P. Popel - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (11):967-987.
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  32. Dialektika tradit︠s︡iĭ i modernizat︠s︡ii v istoricheskom prot︠s︡esse.M. I. Dolgushin - 2007 - Permʹ: [S.N.].
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  33. Print︠s︡ip protivorechii︠a︡ v sot︠s︡ialʹnom poznanii.M. I. Bakanidze & Zh M. Abdilʹdin (eds.) - 1982 - Alma-Ata: Izd-vo "Nauka" Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
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    "Roza mira" Daniila Andreeva i sovremennostʹ.M. I. Shterenberg - 2000 - Moskva: "Poligrafresursy".
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  35. Natsional'no-kul'turnyie i ideologicheskie orientatsii naseleniya Ukrainy.M. I. Beletsky & A. K. Tolpygo - 1998 - Polis 4:74-89.
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    Patricia Shehan Campbell (with chapters contributed by Steven M. Demorest and Steven J. Morrison),Musician and Teacher: An Orientation to Music Education(New York, NY: W. W. Norton and Company, 2008). [REVIEW]Brent Gault - 2008 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 16 (2):213-216.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Musician and Teacher: An Orientation to Music EducationBrent GaultPatricia Shehan Campbell (with chapters contributed by Steven M. Demorest and Steven J. Morrison), Musician and Teacher: An Orientation to Music Education (New York, NY: W. W. Norton and Company, 2008)If one were to review the course content of undergraduate music education programs at various colleges and universities, an "Introduction to Music Education" or "Foundations of Music Education" course (...)
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    Experimental and computer simulation determination of the structural changes occurring through the liquid–glass transition in Cu–Zr alloys.M. I. Mendelev, M. J. Kramer, R. T. Ott, D. J. Sordelet, M. F. Besser, A. Kreyssig, A. I. Goldman, V. Wessels, K. K. Sahu, K. F. Kelton, R. W. Hyers, S. Canepari & J. R. Rogers - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (29):3795-3815.
  38.  7
    Kollektivnoe verovanie kak predmet sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofskogo issledovanii︠a︡: monografii︠a︡.M. I︠U︡ Morozova - 2001 - Kovrov: Kovrovskai︠a︡ gos. tekhnologicheskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡.
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  39. Voli︠a︡ kak predmet funkt︠s︡ionalʹnoĭ psikhologii.M. I︠A︡ Basov - 2007 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡. Edited by E. V. Levchenko & M. I︠A︡ Basov.
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  40. Does the Three Wave Hypothesis Imply Hidden Structure.M. I. Sanduk - 2007 - Apeiron 14 (2):113.
  41. Philosophy of technology.M. I. Sanduk - 2003 - Philosophica 1:11-20.
  42.  7
    Filosofii︠a︡ v sovremennom mire.M. I︠A︡ Korneev & F. F. Vi︠a︡kkerev (eds.) - 1989 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
  43. Organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ biosistem.M. I. Setrov - 1971 - Leningrad,: "Nauka," Leningr. otd-nie.
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    Training effortless attention.M. I. Posner, M. K. Rothbart, M. R. Rueda & Y. Tang - 2010 - In Brian Bruya, Effortless Attention: A New Perspective in the Cognitive Science of Attention and Action. MIT Press.
    This chapter explains the concept of effort on the basis of evidence from experimental and cognitive psychology, demonstrates how it has been used in conducting studies of brain activity, and goes on to examine the individual differences that play a role in determining the efficiency of brain networks associated with effortful control. It also reviews certain educational training methods; those when used among children can change these networks, along with conditional changes developed in adults through meditation training. The findings reveal (...)
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  45. On the genesis of abstract ideas.M. I. Posner & S. W. Keele - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (2p1):353-363.
  46. Components of visual orienting.M. I. Posner & Y. Cohen - 1984 - Attention and Performance X 32:531-556.
  47. The mixture of distributions as a model for analyzing anthropometric data.M. I. Osman, E. Ebomoyi, O. O. Adetoro, A. R. Wickremasinghe, J. Garza-Flores, D. L. De la Cruz, V. Valles de Bourges, R. Sanchez-Nuncio, M. Martinez & J. L. Fuziwara - 1991 - Journal of Biosocial Science 23 (4):417-23.
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  48. Kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii svobody v filosofii Vladimira Solovʹeva: monografii︠a︡.M. I. Nenashev - 1999 - Kirov: Sankt-Peterburgskiĭ in-t vneshneėkonomicheskikh svi︠a︡zeĭ, ėkonomiki i prava.
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  49. Vvedenie v logiku: uchebnoe posobie.M. I. Nenashev - 2004 - Moskva: Gardariki.
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    Spin State Determination Using a Stern-Gerlach Device.M. I. Shirokov - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (6):985-997.
    The well-known Stern-Gerlach device is proposed here for determination of a particle spin state instead of using it for measurement of spin observables. It is shown that measurement of particle momentum distributions (before and after the action of the device magnetic field) allows one to determine the particle initial spin state in the case of an arbitrary spin value. It is demonstrated that one cannot use for this purpose the usual treatment of the Stern-Gerlach experiment based on the entanglement of (...)
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